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Jaswant (Hibiscus) Powder 100gms


Cholesterol, Blood pressure, Anti-bacterial, Menstrual pain, Weight loss, Preventing cancer.

Mulethi Powder 100gms


Boosts Immunity, Cholesterol Levels, Cough And Cold, Fertility In Women, Digestive Health, Cures Skin Ailments

Sri Sri Garlic Oil Capsules

Garli Oil Or Lashuna Taila is useful in digestive and cardiac support.

Vitro Karela Powder 100 Gm


Karela is especially rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A which has effective health benefits.

Vitro Triphala Powder 100 Gm


Mixture of Baheda, Amla and Harde, it is one of the oldest known ayurvedic formula to promote digestion and maintain healthy cholestrol level.