Kushmandaka Rasayana acts as a Digestive, Appetizer and Carminative. It also acts as a very good aphrodisiac and Rejuvenator. It also is used to treat weakness Cough, Shwasa, Raktapitta and Shukra Kshaya.
Key Benefits
- It is used in treating Emaciation, Pthisis & Deficiency of semen.
How to Use
- Dosage:6-12 grams or as prescribed by the physician.
Key Ingredients
- Khanda (Sharkara)
- Kushmanda
- Ghrita
- Kshaudra (Madhu)
- Pippali
- Sringavera (Shunti)
- Jiraka
- Twak
- Ela
- Patra
- Maricha
- Dhanyaka
- Bronopol
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