The special ingredients present in the powder, like Laung and Lahore Namak, are renowned to prevent tooth related ailments and cure toothache. The other important components of the dental powder kill worms and also help teeth that are sensitive to cold products.
- Best Dant Manjan for gum bleeding in the market used by many generations.
- Vithoba, a concoction of numerous herbs is a saviour of oral health.
Key Ingredients-Sodii Biboras, Terminalia Belerica, Sodii Chloridum, Camphora-Caryophyllus, Aromaticus Linn, Acacia Arabica, Sphaticalahi, Mentha Piperita Linn, Piper Nigrum Linn, Swarngourica, Khatica.
Use twice a day to get shielded against a toothache, yellow teeth, bad breath and bleeding gums.